Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Let it snow.

 Hope everyone had a super Christmas.

9Well, we didn't get it for Christmas but we had a fair bit today. Fine powdery stuff blowing around. Geri had fun. We are worried about our feral, Spice, as we haven't seen him for a few days

 We made it to the surgery, but struggled in a white out on the way back, so new year will be at home instead of with friends.

Did a few bits inside. Lined out th upstairs chest of drawers and wax oiled the bannister.

Happy New Year everyone. We hope 2025 is a good one for you.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Making the most of daylight

 Yesterday, we had aday out with our friend Sean.  We made the most of the little daylight- and there asnt much about, but it was good to get out.

We did the local area and  found Otter and Goldeneye, but distant.

Spot the otter!

We the headed to Laxo for the equally distant  Red necked Grebe

Making the most of the light we finished at the Harbour in Lerwick. No white winged gulls but plenty of Dunters and Tysties.

Today,we just chilled

Friday, December 27, 2024

Done and dusted

 Well that was a smashing Christmas with friends. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with our friends Sarah  and Mark, and Boxing day with our friend Sean. Nice and chilled, good food and excellent company.

We hope everyone had a good day too.

Today Rob had his usual appointment. His foot is so close to finally healing.

We then had a shop and a little wander.

 We tried again for the American Coot,  but didn't find it and went to Grutness. Lovely group of Sanderlings, Great Northern Diver and Goldeneye.

It was nice to see a  but of sun even with only 6 hours of daylight.

Monday, December 23, 2024


 The weather has been decidedly wet and windy so we stayed in over the weekend but did get to visit Penny to see her fab decorations.  

Today finally the weather improved so it was up and down ladders for Jim putting up the first trusses. 

The path also got a bit more attention and the garden got tidied.

It's creeping along. The cats enjoyed being outside today too.

Pressies all wrapped and looking forward to some baking tomorrow, then, off to our friends for Christmas 

Have a good one everybody.

Friday, December 20, 2024


 The wind continues to blow.  Feeling sad for the poor soggy sheep.

As we approach the shortest day it gets harder being outside so we are grateful that Jim is still soldiering away. We are very behind where we wanted to be but it's getting there.

The roof trusses arrived so In-between gales and rain they can go on. The first one was offered up today and the fit so all good. We have five. Once they are up Jim can build the rest inside as it will be a hipped roof.

When it rains its finishing up inside jobs- so, the wardrobe is finally in upstairs.

And the attic door is on

We had a visit from our friend Sean today. It was lovely to see him.

Jill hopes to go and finish the last wee shopping trip tomorrow for the last few Christmas bits.

Weather change.

 The last couple of days have been cold and windy. Today added rain so not much  going on in the extension. Jim I'd a few hours finishin...