Monday, September 16, 2024

New toy

 Jill's old strimmer broke so she got to play with the new one today but forgot to take a photo. Bit tired!. Will take a picture tomorrow. Seems to work OK.

Then it was up and down the stairs a few times taking cut insulation board up to the attic and some more ' chocking'

 We have a sheep that keeps visiting. It's sneaky. It's not come in through the gate but has got in somewhere. It's the master of disguise too because as soon as the shoes ate on. Poof, it vanishes!

After lunch it was in town ready to pick up Rob. There was time gor a quick walk up to the end of The Sound. First time visiting  the military lookout there

There was a bit of wildlife about.

Then it was off to the hospital to pick up Rob and home for tea.  He's fine but very tired. He will have to go to Aberdeen to fix the damage the sepsis did to his left eye in a couple of weeks.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

It was a surprise

 It turns out Rob has Sepsis caused by an abscess on a tooth! Didn't see that one coming. He is much better  with temperature back to normal but very weak and so can't stand. The sepsis has also caused a problem with his left eye, so he will need to go to Aberdeen once the infection has totally cleared. We are very glad the hospital were so thorough. He's a lucky boy we got it early.

Jill didn't visit for long today to let him sleep. Everyone knows how hard it is to sleep in there! So, had a little mosey around along the harbour and Victoria pier. Lovely tall ship in, I think from Norway so got a nice view of old and new with a modern cruiseship

Had a  meal deal lunch on the harbour watching the gulls and seals catching up some fish waste from a pelagic that came in this morning.

The parking spot also attracted a rather handsome Raven.

Quick trip to the tip to drop of some stuff and to see the Hooded crowd.

And then home.

 Painted up Robs chest of drawers

Did a bit of strimming, put some more chocks in upstairs and carried up some insulation board. 

There is something Jill has been a bit remiss about on the blog. But today she made time. There are around 500 to 600 starlings that Roost in the big barn. They come in dribs and drabs and get louder and louder. It's great to watch 

Was hoping  for Aurora but it clouded over.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Bit of an infection

 Sorry there's been no blog for a few days but Jill  has been bouncing back and forth as Rob got a very nasty Infection and has been in the Gilbert Bain for a few days. It's taking a while to actually work out what it is as he has a weird combination of symptoms, but he's on the mend now and will be home tomorrow.

Jill stopped off on the way home from visiting yesterday to join in with the monthly quiz  it was a good night even though we were one down. However, Robbie joined us for the night and we did a creditable 2nd. Always good fun. There was a nice Aurora on the way home but the camera was indoors and it's been a long few days. Took a couple on the phone though.

The weather has been a bit wet this week so we have worked in the attic  preparing to insulate. The chocks are going in to keep the air flow behind it and Bruce has been cutting insulation ready to fit between the eaves. There also now  a mini step which is doing a grand job of keeping the rain out of the front door.

It was nice to see a family of Mute Swans on route to town today.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


 Still a bit windy today and wet so we worked some more in the attic getting ready to insulate. Bruce tackled the cobwebs right up the top making many spiders homeless. Sorry chaps! We also finally managed to remove the last rubbish from up there. Found some really manky oiled cloth bits of flooring, lots of odd wooden hanging contraptions and some old boxes.

There was lots of up and down stairs and ladders so we both have sore knees. 

Jill also started giving the stone work a good brush down to get rid of loose debris and old pointing. It's come up a fair but better than it was. The other half will get done when we swap sides.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Autumns here!

 Lovely day yesterday so we worked outside getting ready for the change in the weather.

 Jill cleared up lots of loose bits and bobs so they don't blow around - starting on the parking area. Lots of bits of broken pallets and some breeze blocks that needed moving. Bruce did point out they won't blow away! That area is now tidy.

It was then round the front clearing up broken old tiles, bits of wood and empty buckets.

Today was a bit different. Big gusts and rain, lots and lots of rain

Unfortunately the front door is now not protected so the water was causing a problem!

The cats had the right idea. Stress free day for them.

New toy

 Jill's old strimmer broke so she got to play with the new one today but forgot to take a photo. Bit tired!. Will take a picture tomorro...