Thursday, August 31, 2023


 Another lovely sunny day  here out West. 

Bruce had a change if direction and  enjoyed himself stripping off one of the original fire surrounds. It is fairly simple and made out of materials they had access too around 150 years ago but with a few slight changes it will look really nice.

Jill and Rob spent most if the day sanding ( (Although Jill ran the midges gauntlet and did a bit more wall grouting). It feels like it is getting there now 

The old finials are now off too. We have new ones to put on as the others had got damaged and split.

Jim was just here for the afternoon but  sorted out the stonework under the porch window ready for a new sill.

It was a cool evening at Burrastow not much about but there was a fishing heron by the burn.

Foula looked amazing.

Jill was quote pleased with herself for finally getting round to use the Canon app to actually take photos. This will be great for aurora shooting as it will cut out shutter press shake. Just took a photo of the house on Vaila.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Trench warfare

 It was all go today.

Bruce was in creative mode so worked on the windowsill for the porch and put in the tile and surround for the fireplace.

Looking lovely. This was great big floor tile we got when Garriocks closed.

Jim also wired in the underfloor heating ready to set it up.

Jill was outside, as it was gorgeous, digging some more trench, much to the chickens delight. Any worm was instantly captured and taken into custody!

It went well until it came to digging a new trench from the new pipe to the old. About 10 inches down was a very old cobbled area with three layers of cobbles. Nightmare to shift as unfortunately they can't stay there. Have put them to one side and will use them somewhere else.

There was also time for a bit of pointing to an outside wall to make sure it is stable. It will need some more tomorrow.

Rob stayed busy upstairs sanding.

Quick wander over to see the waders again although it was quiet today.

It was a lovely end to the day too.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Digging a ditch

 Woke up to horrid weather and rain. By breakfast it had improved and by 9 30am it was glorious.

Jill and Rob started off sanding the railing. ( we know, still not finished!) The pictures also shows work in progress as Bruce and Jim have been working on the woodwork in the porch.

Mid morning , Jill went outside as it was nice, to start digging the line of where the drainage pipe goes so we can get ready to join the new waste pipe. Also, we needed to work out how it will affect BT and electrics coming in. The digging is flipping hard as it is covered in old slates, stone, concrete lumps, old jumpers etc etc.

Added problem of the chickens joining in and kicking the soil back in, looking for worms.

Jim also did a bit more pointing,

While Bruce put ply down ready for carpeting in the big bedroom.

We need a peerie bit more sand so we left to get it after Robs foot check appointment.

It was a really lovely  evening with an amazing number of waders and gulls around.

Weather change.

 The last couple of days have been cold and windy. Today added rain so not much  going on in the extension. Jim I'd a few hours finishin...