Another lovely sunny day here out West.
Bruce had a change if direction and enjoyed himself stripping off one of the original fire surrounds. It is fairly simple and made out of materials they had access too around 150 years ago but with a few slight changes it will look really nice.
Jill and Rob spent most if the day sanding ( (Although Jill ran the midges gauntlet and did a bit more wall grouting). It feels like it is getting there now
The old finials are now off too. We have new ones to put on as the others had got damaged and split.
Jim was just here for the afternoon but sorted out the stonework under the porch window ready for a new sill.
It was a cool evening at Burrastow not much about but there was a fishing heron by the burn.
Foula looked amazing.
Jill was quote pleased with herself for finally getting round to use the Canon app to actually take photos. This will be great for aurora shooting as it will cut out shutter press shake. Just took a photo of the house on Vaila.