Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Still gloomy

 May has been a bit on the gloomy side but hopefully it will improve a bit.

Bruce has been working away upstairs and has put the ceiling studs up which has not been easy as it was 40mm difference from one side to the other.

Jill and Bruce were competing to see who could get the highest number. Jill in buckets of paint and Bruce in bits of wood. Bruce won.

Still joining the dots. Bruce and Jill discussed a new design. Maybe painting it like a fresian cow
Jill also spent some more time planting primroses and fuscias.

Rob went for a snooze so Jill left him to it for a bit. The Skeld Peninsular was calling so it was down the Culswick road which is very beautiful. Will have to do the walk to the Broch one day.

There was a pair of Golden Plover by the Loch there.

The male was busy chasing off another male from his patch.

Then, what's not to love about an Oystercatcher on a post.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Bit of a late blog

 We had a lovely long day today.

We started upstairs clearing out the last of the big front bedroom. Taking off skirting, old plumbing clips and the last polystyrene tiles. Bruce then stated late morning, getting lined up to put the stud wall in.

 Jill left him too it and went to get some plants in.

Then it was grass cutting time again.

A mulching mower in the wind is interesting!

This evening we had an invite up the road to our friends Finley and Catherines house. Rob was happy he got some lamb and Jill had some lovely homemade quiche. We took desert, baileys cheesecake, so it was a thoroughly scrummy meal with excellent company.

 Now off to bed - apologies for a short blog. 

Monday, May 29, 2023

Bits and pieces

 Today was an odd sort of day. 

Jill started in the garden putting in some of the new plants, in the drizzle! Half the primroses are in, some spirea and a willow.

Upstairs, Bruce hung the cupboard door. It works really well as a two halves door. Otherwise it was too close to the sink to open.

The other door to the Attic looks good too.

Bruce then made a lovely windowsill.

Rob and Jill worked to move everything from the last room to do. There was a lot of bits and pieces of left over materials. Jill decided to shift left over insulation to the attic. It's a start!.

There were a few interesting birds around so we went out for a bit.

 A lovely summer plummage Great Northern Diver spent a good deal of time giving us a show.

There were also some feisty dunlin on the beach and a dark phase Arctic Skua flew and landed right in front of Jill and did some serious posing.

The oystercatcher  is still glued to its nest and doing a grand job.

We got home to a welcoming committee of lambs and ewes peering through the gate looking longingly at our plants. Just as well we shut the gate when we left!

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Off to a plant sale

 It was very nice today.  Jill started off with a few buckets if paint. It's starting to feel like the forth bridge!. She had an audience. Nutmeg the feral, is definately getting used to us.

We left late morning to head to Bressay to a plant sale to raise funds for the Red Cross. We got some primroses, spread, trees, hardy fuscias and mint. All things we wanted. Guess Jill will be busy tomorrow.

While there we had a little drive round. We do like the lighthouse although it looks very tired.

On the way back Rob spotted one of our new friends,  Nicola, was selling some sycamore trees so we diverted to pick 3 up. They are already a good size. We gad a good chat while we were there too. The a quick takeaway stop, although we weren't very hungry as the coffee and cakes at the plant sale were lovely.

We spotted  the 10 goosander at Weisdale.

Weather change.

 The last couple of days have been cold and windy. Today added rain so not much  going on in the extension. Jim I'd a few hours finishin...