Saturday, December 31, 2022


 Well, we had lots of rain again yesterday and the ground was already soaked. Unfortunately this meant that early evening brought a deluge of water under the door and into the house again.

We were very grateful that Bruce had time to pop up with Tor and make us some sandbags and help clear up the water otherwise we would have been in trouble. Mental note to contact roads to see if the can clear the ditch on the road so it doesn't poor down our drive!!

This morning  Jill was outside clearing the drain and digging trenches to try and drain the water. She actually found a hidden drain under the mud that is now clear and working. Hopefully we will have a couple of drier days so it drains.

This afternoon, to warm up, Jill painted a coat on the ceiling in the bedroom.

 Tonight we are off to the village Hogmany which will be good to get out.

 Happy new year everyone.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Changeable day

 The weather was a bit up and down today but it wasn't cold. There was some lovely light over the sea.

 Jill did a bit of sanding on the bannister which is taking ages. Bruce popped in to finish the leveling on the taping and filling. Unfortunately one of of our sockets decided to go pop spectacularly. Luckily we were in.!

A quick drive this afternoon found lots of curlews and seals at Burrastow.

It was good to see several pheasants near the house.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Little stroll

 We had a quiet day today as we are both still recovering. Jill decided to try a short walk but didn't get very far, it's surprising to still feel quite weak.

Today's target was looking for the path the original minister of the house would have used to get to Sandness. Jill thinks she may have found part of it.

It's a lovely view along the path over Dale of Walls and Loch Goster

The path just about goes through where the hares are. It would gave been rude not to check.

Clippy is getting used to Jill now and stays put. He has a name as his ear tips are missing.

There were at least 4 others on view. Also 2 red grouse.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Christmas day 2

 We had a little drive out this morning as it was beautiful, if cold


The wind had also dropped but made for some beautiful waves.

Good to see the otter about although it was surfing and not coming ashore.

There were also red throated divers about.

There were also Whooper swans and mountain hares on the way home.e for our Christmas lunch.

Monday, December 26, 2022


 It was very windy overnight and has got windier through the day with rain, sleet and hail.

Jill headed to the hospital at lunchtime and the waves were crashing over the cliffs.

By the time the Bridge of Walls came into view it was hailing really hard.

Some of the wildlife was swimming backwards.

Rob was allowed home. Although they forgot to take his canular out!. He looks a lot better.  Hopefully we can have our Christmas lunch tomorrow.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas day

 It was a pleasant drive to Lerwick for visiting. Jill even got to watch a group of seals playing near the bridge

Rob managed to eat some Christmas lunch and had a visit from santa   Jill thinks it was the Brussels causing that face

Jill had an amazing lunch with Bruce and Kaila and was made to feel so welcome.

 Super duper puddings and loopy dogs for company.
It was a lovely afternoon  and they even sent some Christmas flowers home.

The kitties were seriously unimpressed when Jill came home smelling of dog.

What a lovely day. Hopefully Rob can come home tomorrow.

Weather change.

 The last couple of days have been cold and windy. Today added rain so not much  going on in the extension. Jim I'd a few hours finishin...