Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Whats in the tub?

 We found a tub, yesterday, buried in the old peat store  in the garden. We thought we should give you all the opportunity to guess what is in it.

Michael replaced the 2nd roof light today. Attached is reminder of what the old ones looked like. They had perspex or polycarbonate sheet in them.

Its looking good up there. Last one goes in tomorrow.

 Jill carried on pointing and had a look at the peat store by the side of the stable. We don't intend to cut anymore but we will use what is there. The bits that have disintegrated will get used in a raised flower bed.  Some of it was bagged but needs drying out, then we can use it when we put a log burner in. Patrick very kindly worked on breaking down the pallets that arrived yesterday. It was all go today.

As it was a really calm evening so Jill went up to the Wick. The tide was out the furthest yet and it was really still. Found a family of Wheatears passing through.

Walking back, Jill was delighted to find the Whoopers were back on the loch.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Early start

 It was a very calm morning so Jill got up early and went for a walk. The ankle was a bit stiff so it was a gentle walk - until a fin was spotted off the Wick. Luckily they weren't moving to fast so by the time she got there they were still in view.

They were quite distant but they might be white sided dolphins, still looking into it. There were also about 50 seals and some nice birds. The black guillimots are now changing to winter plumage. It was a pity the photo of the gannet diving and landing on a red throated diver.

Note: apparently the beaks are quite long so they are common dolphin. Still a new species for the garden list.

Mid morning a massive truck arrived full of wood. We had mentioned to Michael that we were worried as materials have more than doubled. He mentioned it to  his missus Eileen, who had an idea. The idea arrived today in the form of a massive packing crate, loads of ply and some big, very strong , pallets. Wow. Just wow! Thank you Eileen.

The big crate was a surprise. This will make a perfect shed for Robs scooter so he can access it. Brilliant. Will need to cut a door and a give it a pitched roof . But its perfect 

Now we need to find a digger to flatten the area.

We cleared a path to the Nissan hut to store the ply and the lads carried it round.

Also today an awesome little thing happened. Patrick found a gate catch so the front gate latches while you drive through. No more  bending down to stick a fence post through it. Yay.!

Monday, August 29, 2022

5 swans a swimming

 The cats were a pain and had a fidgety night so at one point Jill was outside. It was an amazing sight. The sky was totally clear.

 The ankle is getting better but it's still hard getting a shoe on!

More sitting down pointing today on the middle bit of the stable wall ( don't ask why it was started in the middle). It's looking quite good- just one or two bits missed.

The 2nd photo is the bit to be done next.

Jill also prepared and painted the Nissan hut window . It just needs some solastic and a good clean.

It was good being able to paint while watching the 6 Whooper swans on the loch today.

Michael was back on the roof putting the ridge tiles back . Hopefully he can replace the last two roof lights tomorrow then the roof will be finished.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Sitting down jobs

 It was a stunningly beautiful day.

Jill's ankle was very swollen this morning so she decided to do some more pointing at chair height! She managed to get quite a lot done as she is getting quicker at it. The front wall is coming on well and will be continued while the weather is good.

Rob did some work on the porch, although this will eventually come down , to get rid of the flaky paint and lino walls.

We managed to pop out for a bit but stayed local with both of us not walking well.  It was worth it though, two new patch birds, razorbill and knot. Good to see Terns and Skuas still about.

Lots of starlings in the garden again.

Weather change.

 The last couple of days have been cold and windy. Today added rain so not much  going on in the extension. Jim I'd a few hours finishin...