Thursday, January 16, 2025

Sarkin time

 Jim and Jill were roofing again today. Nearly a third of the sarkin boards are up. They are a bit damp but are drying quickly in the wind.  It's starting  to look the part now.

Jill tackled our blocked toilet. We have tried all sorts and nothing seems to work, but it's interesting seeing what happens with some of the drain unblocked!

Bentley has been on an odd mood so he was allowed lots of cuddles this afternoon.

He's such a handsome boy

Tuesday, January 14, 2025


 It's interesting that nature pops up when you need it. It's like you can be in tune and something senses you are a bit down. Or, Jill just got lucky.

Yesterday we were both fed up so we popped out just for a quick nature fix , and it didn't disappoint. 50 purple sandpipers, turnstones, redshank, great Northern Diver  and oystercatchers. 

Even though the light was bad it was a tonic and not a tescos own brand one either!
Then, the best bit. Jill almost tripped over a family of otters on the footpath. They scattered, sorry chaps, not deliberate so Jill hid up and waited. Sure enough, they came back. Mummy and 3 cubs! Bowie.

Nature cannot be underestimated, thank you little family.

Sunday, January 12, 2025


 The weather has stayed frosty so the snow remained until today.  Jim has made the most of the still days and has been working on the rafters of the extension.

There have been some amazing sunsets. It's such a privilege to live here.

Foula has looked amazing.

We have been struggling with stress badly so we're very grateful to have an invite to our friends, Sarah and Mark, to redo our new years celebration, cancelled due to the snow.

Mark makes awesome cocktails , and although we don't usually drink,we did partake, and boy were they good!. Jill hasn't been tipsy for 17 years - lots of schoolgirl giggling and friendship time, seriously needed right now. Thanks guys.

 Today it was back to work. Jim did a Sunday as it was perfect outside. More rafters went up and Jill did the labouring.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Bit more

 Most had melted this morning but another dose of snaa came at lunchtime. Jill had to pop out and was surprised the new snow stopped a mile away. There was none all the way to Lerwick.

Shopping done there was time for a wee wildlife watch from the car park. Handy there was a fishing boat just in. Lots of squabbling gulls and seals, but no white wingers.

As you can see , it was pretty gloomy.

Sarkin time

 Jim and Jill were roofing again today. Nearly a third of the sarkin boards are up. They are a bit damp but are drying quickly in the wind. ...