Monday, March 24, 2025


 You have to do it sometimes. Most of Sunday  was in the office. Jill deleting files which is really boring and Rob working on stuff for our meeting with the MP , planning and the Grant people to sort out the mess that is our grant offer i.e for 2 years nothing is happening except empty promises. We are very grateful we have such a good MP. It's a novelty! Rob is also working on getting the house de-listed as the listing is unsustainable and totally inaccurate. This will help in the future, we don't intend to do anything but look after it properly but the listing  makes that impossible and has cost us lots of time and money.

 To cheer ourselves up a bit we popped to Lerwick for the Med Gull. We did see it but only distantly. We did spot a nice Iceland Gull though.

There were some other gulls around too.

We got a few other bits and bobs on the way home too.

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Only on Shetland!

 We needed a 2nd office chair ( thanks Nick for the first one). We have been looking for a while without success but this week there was one at Cope. It's in pretty good condition but was cheap as the wheels didn't work. Over to Jill!

Normally you would think of some grease or possibly looking at the screws but no. It obviously came from a Shetland knitter!

All fixed now though.

Thursday Jill had a filling ( yucko) so we did a tip run and did a mini birdwatching at the pier. Not much about. But by Friday ( Robs foot appojntment) Victoria pier was busy.

Good to see the Tysties now in their summer tunics.

We had a good night at the quiz on Friday and just got pipped by 5 points.  It's always good fun but we need some more folk to come along.

Saturday has been particularly nasty with wind and rain. Jill popped out for the med Gull in Lerwick but it was difficult to find with the weather.  Then it was over to Mossbank to drop our friend Mark's birthday present off. Rob has a bit of a cold so stayed in the dry.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025


 Another nice day so Jill was outside working leaving Rob on the PC. The path has had some more added, there is more on the rubble pile and some of the white has been touched up- including the old extractor area. The post box is just about finished too.

Jill had a quick walk to the beach. Not much to beachcomb  but there were 40 oystercatchers on and around the loch.

Tonight it was rumoured there would be an aurora and for the first time in ages, it was clearish. Jill went out before it was fully dark but so you can see the sequence.


 You have to do it sometimes. Most of Sunday  was in the office. Jill deleting files which is really boring and Rob working on stuff for our...